Gas Turbine Turbulent Heat Transfer

Gas turbine combustor followed by the first stage high pressure nozzle vane and blade undergo active internal and external cooling to protect against high mainstream temperatures. The resulting flows are highly turbulent and complex with turbulence modeling playing a critical role in accurate prediction. The research focuses on high-fidelity time-dependent methods such as Large-eddy Simulations (LES) for heat transfer prediction.
- Shreekesh K. (IIT-Madras)
- Tae Kyung Oh (MS 2019)
- Xiaoming Tan (visiting scholar, 2016-17)
- Cody Dowd (MS 2016)
- Long He (MS 2014)
- Kevin Song (MS 2013)
- Vivek Kumar (2013)
- Sunil Patil (PhD 2011)
- Mohammad Elyyan (PhD 2008)
- Ali Rozati (PhD 2007)
- Aroon Viswanathan (PhD 2006)
- Evan Sewall (PhD 2005)
- Samer Abdel-Wahab (MS 2003)
- Tafti, D.; Dowd, C.; Tan, X. High Reynold Number LES of a Rotating Two-Pass Ribbed Duct. Aerospace 2018, 5, 124.
- Tafti D. K., He L, Nagendra K., “Large-eddy simulation for predicting turbulent heat transfer in gas turbines,” Invited paper, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 372: 20130322, 2014.
- Song, K. and Tafti, D. K., Wall Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations in Rotating Systems for Applications to Turbine Blade Internal Cooling, Int. J. of Advances in Engineering Sciences and App. Math. 4(3), pp. 193-201, September 2012.
- Patil, S. and Tafti, D. K., Large-Eddy Simulation with Zonal Near Wall Treatment of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Duct for the Internal Cooling of Turbine Blades, J. Turbomachinery 135(3), pp. 131006(1-10), May 2013.
- Patil, S., Sedalor, T, Tafti, D. K., Ekkad, S., Study of Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in a Simulated Scaled up Low Emission Annular Combustor, ASME J. Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 3(3), 2011.
- Elyyan, M.A., Tafti, D.K., Investigation of Coriolis Forces Effect of Flow Structure and Heat Transfer Distribution in a Rotating Dimpled Channel, ASME J. Turbomachinery 134(3), May 2012.
- Patil, S., Abraham, S., Tafti, D. K., Ekkad, S., Kim, Y., Dutta, P., Moon, H.-K., Srinivasan, R., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Can Combustor, ASME J. Turbomachinery 133(1), 011028, Jan. 2011.
- Elyyan, M. and Tafti, D. K., Effect of Coriolis forces in a rotating channel with dimples and protrusions, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 31(1), pp. 1-18, 2010.
- Rozati, A., Tafti, D.K., Effect of Coolant-Mainstream Blowing Ratio on Leading Edge Film Cooling Flow and Heat Transfer – LES investigation, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 29, pp. 857-873, 2008.
- Rozati, A., Tafti, D.K., Large-Eddy Simulation of Leading Edge Film Cooling, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 29, pp. 1-17, 2008.
- Rozati, A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Leading Edge Film Cooling Part-II: Heat Transfer and Effect of Blowing Ratio, ASME J. Turbomachinery 130(4), 041015(1-9), 2008.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti, D.K., Investigation of Detached Eddy Simulation in Capturing the Effects of Coriolis Forces and Centrifugal Buoyancy in Ribbed Ducts, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 129(7), pp. 778-789, July 2007.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti, D.K., Capturing the Effects of Rotation in Sudden Expansion Ducts using Detached Eddy Simulation, AIAA J., 45(8), pp. 2100-2102, August 2007.
- Sewall, E.A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in the Developing Flow Region of a Rotating Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Duct with Coriolis and Buoyancy Forces, ASME J. Turbomachinery, 113(1), January, 2008.
- Sewall, E.A., Tafti, D.K., An Unsteady Variable Property Algorithm for Flows with Large Temperature Variations, Computers and Fluids 37, pp. 51-63, 2008.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti, D.K., A comparative study of DES and URANS for Flow prediction in a Two-pass Internal Cooling Duct, ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 128(6), pp. 1336-1345, Nov. 2006.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti, D.K., Detached Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in FullyDeveloped Rotating Internal Cooling Channel with Normal Ribs, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 27(3), pp. 351-370,2006.
- Sewall, E.A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in the 180º Bend Region of a Stationary Ribed Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Duct, ASME J. Turbomachinery (128), pp.763-771,2006
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti, D.K., Detached Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in a Two-Pass Internal Cooling Duct, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 27(1), pp. 1-20, 2006.
- Sewall, E.A., Tafti, D.K., Thole, K.A., Graham, A., Experimental Validation of Large Eddy Simulations of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Stationary Ribbed Duct, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 27 (2), pp. 243-258, 2006.
- Viswanathan A. and Tafti, D. K., Detached Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Duct, ASME J. Fluids Engineering 127(5), pp. 888-896, 2005.
- Tafti, D. K., Evaluating the Role of Subgrid Stress Modeling in a Ribbed Duct for the Internal Cooling of Turbine Blades, Int. J Heat and Fluid Flow 26(1), pp. 92-104, 2005.
- Abdel-Wahab, S. and Tafti, D. K., Large Eddy Simulations of Flow and Heat Transfer in a 90º Ribbed Duct with Rotation - Effect of Coriolis and Centrifugal Buoyancy Forces, J. Turbomachinery 126(4), pp. 627-636, 2004.
- Tafti, D. K. and Yavuzkurt, S., Prediction of Heat Transfer Characteristics for Discrete Hole Film Cooling - One Row of Injection Into a Turbulent Boundary Layer, Int. J. Turbo. and Jet Engines, Vol. 8, Nos. 3&4, pp. 235-265, 1991.
- Tafti, D. K. and Yavuzkurt, S., Prediction of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Discrete Hole Film Cooling for Turbine Blade Applications, Journal of Turbomachinery, Trans. of ASME, Vol. 112, (3), pp. 504-511, July 1990.
- K., Vengadesan, S. and Tafti, D.K., “Numerical Investigation of Flow in a Duct with Square Ribs and Forward Step Rib Mounted on walls,” Paper No. TFEC-2019-27977, 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), April 14–17, 2019, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Oh T.-K., Tafti, D. K. and Nagendra, K., “Conjugate heat transfer analysis of a ribbed cooling passage for a fully developed flow using the immersed boundary method,” Paper No. GT2019-90397, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, June 17-21, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- Dowd, C. and Tafti, D. K., “LES of Rotating Two-Pass Ribbed Duct with Coriolis and Centrigugal Buoyancy Forces at Re=100,000,” Paper No. HT2016-7348, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 10-14, 2016, Washington, DC, USA.
- He, L. and Tafti, D. K., “Evaluating the Immersed Boundary Method in a ribbed duct for the internal cooling of turbine blades,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2015-43953, June 15-19, 2015, Montreal, Canada.
- Gomez, D., Kumar, V., Ekkad, S., Tafti, D., Yong, K., Moon, H.X., Ram, S., Flow Field and Liner Heat Transfer for a Model Annular Combustor Equipped with Radial Swirlers, Proceedings of the 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2014.
- Singh, S. and Tafti, D. K., Detailed Heat Transfer in a Two Pass Internal Cooling Duct with Rib Turbulators, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Puerto Rico, July 8-12, 2012.
- Song, K. and Tafti D. K., Wall Modeled large-eddy Simulations in Rotating Systems for Applications to Turbine Blade Internal Cooling, Paper No. ISHMT_USA_014, Proceedings of the 21st National & 10th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December 27-30, 2011, IIT Madras, India.
- Patil, S. and Tafti D. K., Large Eddy Simulation with Zonal near Wall Treatment of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Duct for the Internal Cooling of Turbine Blades, Paper No. GT2011-45749, ASME Turbo Expo, June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
- Patil, S. and Tafti D. K., Large-eddy Simulation of Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Can Combustor with Synthetic Inlet Turbulence, Paper No. GT2011-46561, ASME Turbo Expo, June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
- Elyyan, M.A., Tafti, D.K., Investigation of Coriolis Forces Effect of Flow Structure and Heat Transfer Distribution in a Rotating Dimpled Channel, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Paper No.: GT2010-22657, June 14-18, Glasgow, UK.
- Cowan, J. B., Tafti, D.K., and Kohli, A., Investigation of Sand Particle Deposition and Erosion within a Short Pin Fin Array, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Paper No.: GT2010-22362, June 14-18, Glasgow, UK.
- Sedalor, T, Patil, S., Ekkad, S., Tafti, D. K., Kim, Y., Dutta, P., Moon, H.-K., Srinivasan, R., Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics Study in a Low Emission Annular Combustor, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Paper No.: GT2010-22986, June 14-18, Glasgow, UK.
- Patil, S., Abraham, S., Tafti, D. K., Ekkad, S., Kim, Y., Dutta, P., Moon, H.-K., Srinivasan, R., Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Can Combustor, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009, June. 8-12, Orlando, Florida. ASME Paper No. GT2009-59377.
- Sreedharan, S.S., and Tafti, D.K., Effect of blowing ratio in the near stagnation region of a three-row leading edge film cooling geometry using large eddy simulations. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009, June. 8-12, Orlando, Florida. ASME Paper No. GT2009-59325.
- Sreedharan, S.S., and Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulations Of A Three-Row Leading Edge Film Cooling Geometry. Proceedings of ASME IMECE2008, Nov. 2-6, Boston, Massachusetts. ASME Paper No. IMECE2008-67019.
- Rozati, A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Leading Edge Film Cooling Part-I: Computational Domain and Effect of Coolant Inlet Condition. ASME Paper No. GT2007-27689, Proceedings ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea and Air, May 14-17, 2007, Montreal, Canada
- Rozati, A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Leading Edge Film Cooling Part-II: Heat Transfer and Effect of Blowing Ratio. ASME Paper No. GT2007-27690, Proceedings ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea and Air, May 14-17, 2007, Montreal, Canada
- Rozati, D. K. Tafti, Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbine Blade Leading Edge Film Cooling, ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, July 17-20, 2006, Miami, Florida, USA.
- Viswanathan, A. K. and Tafti D. K., Large Eddy Simulation of the fully developed flow and heat transfer in a rotating duct with 45° ribs, GT 2006-90229, ASME Turbo Expo 2006, 8- 11 May 2006, Barcelona, Spain.
- Viswanathan, A. K. and Tafti, D. K., A comparative study of DES and URANS in a Two-pass Internal Cooling Duct with Normal Ribs - IMECE2005-79288, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005, Orlando, Florida.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti. D.K., Abdel-Wahab, S., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in an Internal Coolingg Duct with High Blockage Ratio 45o staggered Ribs, GT 2005-68086, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, June 6-9, Reno-Tahoe,USA.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti. D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Duct With Skewed Ribs of Rounded Cross-section, GT 2005-68117, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, June 6-9, Reno-Tahoe,USA.
- Viswanathan, A.K., Tafti. D.K., Deatched Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Stationary Internal Cooling Duct with Skewed Ribs,GT 2005-68118, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, June 6-9, Reno-Tahoe, USA.
- Sewall, E.A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in the 180º Bend Region of a Stationary Ribed Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Duct, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, ASME Paper No. GT2005-68518.
- Sewall, E.A., Tafti, D.K., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in the Developing Flow Region of a Rotating Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Duct with Coriolis and Buoyancy Forces, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, ASME Paper No. GT2005-68519.
- Viswanathan A. and Tafti, D. K., Detached Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in a Duct, HT-FED2004-56152, 2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, July 11-15, Charlotte.
- Abdel-Wahab, S. and Tafti, D. K., Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Staggered 45º Ribbed Duct, GT2004-53800, ASME Turbo Expo: 2004, Vienna, Austria.
- Abdel-Wahab, S. and Tafti, K., Large Eddy Simulations of Flow and Heat Transfer in a 90º Ribbed Duct with Rotation – Effect of Coriolis Forces, GT2004-53796, ASME Turbo Expo: 2004, Vienna, Austria.
- Abdel-Wahab, S. and Tafti, K., Large Eddy Simulations of Flow and Heat Transfer in a 90º Ribbed Duct with Rotation - Effect of Coriolis and Centrifugal Buoyancy Forces, GT2004-53799, ASME Turbo Expo: 2004, Vienna, Austria.
- Sewall, E, and Tafti, D. K., Large Eddy Simulation of the Developing Region of a Stationary Ribbed Internal Turbine Blade Cooling Channel, GT2004-53832, ASME Turbo Expo: 2004, Vienna, Austria.
- Sewall, E, and Tafti, D. K., Large Eddy Simulation of the Developing Region of a Rotating Ribbed Internal Turbine Blade Cooling Channel, GT2004-53833, ASME Turbo Expo: 2004, Vienna, Austria.
- Tafti D. K., Large Eddy Simulations of Heat Transfer in A Ribbed Channel for Internal Cooling of Turbine Blades, Paper No. GT2003-38122, Proceedings of ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo., Atlanta, Georgia, June 16-19, 2003.
- Tafti, D. K. and Yavuzkurt, S., Prediction of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Discrete Hole Film Cooling for Turbine Blade Applications, 34th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition in Toronto, Canada, June 4-8, 1989, ASME paper 89-GT-139.
- Tafti, D. K. and Yavuzkurt, S., Prediction of Heat Transfer Characteristics for Discrete Hole Film Cooling - One Row of Injection Into a Turbulent Boundary Layer, HTD Vol. 103, pp. 45-52, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov. 27-Dec. 2, 1988.